Sora Prompt | 一位时尚女性走在东京街道上 A stylish woman walks down a Tokyo street-AiFusion

Sora Prompt | 一位时尚女性走在东京街道上 A stylish woman walks down a Tokyo street

视频演示 Sora Prompt Prompt: “A stylish woman walks down a Tokyo street filled with warm glowing neon and animated city signage. she wears a black leather jacket, a long red dress...
Take Code Captures (代码捕获)| leaked prompts of GPTs(泄露的GPTs提示词)-AiFusion

Take Code Captures (代码捕获)| leaked prompts of GPTs(泄露的GPTs提示词)

GPT介绍(GPT Description) Take Code Captures I help you capture, enhance, and share your code with ease(帮助您轻松捕获、增强和共享您的代码) by GPT Store:https://chat.openai.com...
Sora Prompt | 海洋生物纸艺世界sea creatures papercraft world-AiFusion

Sora Prompt | 海洋生物纸艺世界sea creatures papercraft world

视频演示 Sora Prompt Prompt: “A gorgeously rendered papercraft world of a coral reef, rife with colorful fish and sea creatures.”   本文链接:https://www.aifusion.top/?p=775
源码 | AI 春联 | Spring Festival Couplets-AiFusion

源码 | AI 春联 | Spring Festival Couplets

资源介绍 输入你想要的春联,通过AI生成春联/对联 横批从右往左,上联在右,下联在左。 横批从左往右,上联在左,下联在右。 资源下载   下载地址:点击前往   本文链接:https://www...
Sora Prompt | 一个巫师A wizard-AiFusion

Sora Prompt | 一个巫师A wizard

视频演示 Sora Prompt Sora Prompt: “A wizard wearing a pointed hat and a blue robe with white stars casting a spell that shoots lightning from his hand and holding an old tome in h...
Sora Prompt | 蚂蚁在蚁穴内部导航的POV镜头pov footage of an ant navigating the inside of an ant nest-AiFusion

Sora Prompt | 蚂蚁在蚁穴内部导航的POV镜头pov footage of an ant navigating the inside of an ant nest

视频演示 Sora Prompt Prompt: “pov footage of an ant navigating the inside of an ant nest.”   本文链接:https://www.aifusion.top/?p=795
Sora Prompt | 全景俯瞰美丽的海洋和历史建筑沿着一个惊人的沿海风景如画的小镇栖息在悬崖上overlooking the beautiful ocean and the historical buildings along the a stunning coastal picturesque town perched on the cliffs-AiFusion
DevRel Guide(开发相关指南) | leaked prompts of GPTs(泄露的GPTs提示词)-AiFusion

DevRel Guide(开发相关指南) | leaked prompts of GPTs(泄露的GPTs提示词)

GPT介绍(GPT Description) DevRel Guide(开发相关指南) Everything Developer Relations(一切开发者关系) 来自GPT Store:https://chat.openai.com/g/g-9tO10WKi2-devrel-guide GPT提示(...
源码 | Buzz 离线转录和翻译音频-AiFusion

源码 | Buzz 离线转录和翻译音频

资源介绍 在您的个人计算机上离线转录和翻译音频。由 OpenAI 的Whisper提供支持。 源码下载   下载地址:点击前往   本文链接:https://www.aifusion.top/?p=701
源码 | AutoGPT 自动执行 基于GPT-4的多功能代理 | OpenAI创新模型-AiFusion

源码 | AutoGPT 自动执行 基于GPT-4的多功能代理 | OpenAI创新模型

资源介绍 AutoGPT是基于OpenAI发布的GPT-4模型构思而来的。它的概念相对简单:通过让大型语言模型(LLM)反复决定下一步该做什么,并将结果反馈到提示中,使程序能够逐步达成目标。 AutoGPT代表...